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Prophets of Hope

As Christians we are called to be prophets of hope in a world which is often crippled by despair, something particularly evident during this pandemic. By treating all of God’s wonderful creation, including humanity, with tenderness and mercy, we keep the spirit of hope alive. This hope is the mark of those who follow Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Nicolas Barré said many inspirational things about remaining in God’s peace. It is very clear that he is not meaning something all warm and cosy! Nicolas describes the opposition, contractions and anxieties which we may have to endure before obtaining that peace. (Letter 2) We know from his own life how he suffered to the point of questioning the very existence of God. I find it very reassuring that he could also say that it is in the valley of greatest misfortune and tears that God

can bring us to heights which can reach the infinity of God’s greatness. “Experience shows that one can see the stars shining more brightly from the bottom of a well than in full daylight from the

ground above." (R.R. 8)

Reflection 1:

Whether God raises them up or sets them down,

Carries them here or there In a thousand different states,

Of power and weakness, They accept it all out of love.

Knowing always where to find Their peace, their rock, their good.

Once God alone is in command,

His work in them

Will always know fruition.’ (Spiritual Canticle 38)

Reflection 2:

If on this night you are experiencing an hour of darkness, a day that has not yet dawned, a light dimmed or a dream shattered, open your heart with amazement to the message of Easter: “Do not be afraid, He is risen!” (Pope Francis).

Blessing: ‘May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in your faith, so that in the power of the Holy Spirit you may be rich in hope’ (Rom 15:13)


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