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Is God calling you...?

When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples: ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord to send out workers into the harvest field’.  Matt. 9:35-38

Pope Francis’s special intention for February, is to pray for young people who may feel called to live Jesus’ mission and life either through the priestly or religious life. God still calls today, maybe He is calling you? Listen to His voice, sometimes in ways we cannot imagine or expect.

It is also our mission as Infant Jesus Sisters to encourage and accompany young people in their search for a meaningful life or for what God is asking of them, as he says ‘Come follow me’


‘Lord, I want nothing more, I desire nothing more only to be ready to desire what you desire and as you desire it.
It is enough for me that you hold me in your presence, that you take care of everything, that you watch over all my concerns, all that happens to me… and that nothing escapes your adorable guidance of my life.
O Jesus! O Love! You are my God and my All…’ (letter 12, Nicolas Barré)


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