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Happy New Year!

As we step into the New Year, may it bring new opportunities, moments of grace and above all peace in our hearts and in our world.

What do I wish for in this New year, this Holy Year about to start…?

I  desire to live justly, my commitment to be generous, my wish to reach out to others.

Fr. Barré wrote in Letter 36:   ‘let your life be characterized by Wonder, Adoration, Silence, Humility and love’.

Dwell on Wonder, allowing yourself to be taken over by a sense of awe at the sight of God reaching out to you. Reflect on the wonder of being chosen by God as you begin each new day.

Bow in Adoration before God whose greatness exceeds all that we could ever imagine.

Pay attention to inner Silence...

Seek to live your life in a spirit of humility. Pray for the grace to say thanks when you are not offered the first place or recognized for what you have done.

Above all, reflect on the immensity of God’s unique and personal Love for you.

     As we enter the New Year, let us bless each other with these words :

               ‘The Lord bless you and keep you;

 the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;

            The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace’

                                                                                      (Numbers 24:24-26)


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