The Infant Jesus Sisters, associates and friends recently gathered at Chestnut Drive Spirituality Centre (Singapore) to celebrate the mission of our Institute in Myanmar, the Philippines and Laos. What a great time we had!
The testimonies of the various speakers demonstrated that our missions contribute to the improvement of the daily life of many people "left behind". Whether in the teacher training centre in Myanmar, in the centre for children from disadvantaged backgrounds in the Philippines, or in a basic aid and education service in Laos.
In Myanmar, 14 groups of teachers have already been trained over the past 22 years.
In the Philippines, our centre offers a cooked
meal to underprivileged children before and after school and supports them in their studies (help with homework, provision of computers, etc.).
In Laos, with the help of benefactors and volunteers, we intervene in 5 schools to try to meet the most urgent needs: access to drinking water, installation of sinks and toilets, education in hygiene and nutrition, provision of computers and books, training of teachers in English.
"When we dream alone, it is only a dream.
When we dream together, our dream becomes reality!"