4 March
Rouen (France)
Meeting of a working group to set up a permanent exhibition on Fr. Barré and the Minimes at their former convent, now occupied by the Benedictine Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament.

6 March
Roma (Italy)
Meeting between Sr Marina, General Councillor, and Fr Taras, the new postulator for the cause of canonisation of N. Barré.

22 March
Lima (Peru)
Celebration of the union of Bolivia and Peru into a single province.

6 April
Rovetta (Italy)
A celebration organised by the school headmaster and the local Council to thank the sisters who have served in Rovetta for over 100 years. The commemoration at the cemetery and the thanksgiving mass will be followed by a fraternal lunch.

5-9 May
Roma (Italy)
Participation of Sr Brigitte, international leader, at the XXIIIrd General Assembly of the UISG.

14 June-7 July
Roma (Italy)
General Chapter in the presence of around fifty participants. Theme : "If you only knew the gift of God" (John, 4)