
Contact information
Sisters of the Infant Jesus (Nicolas Barré)
is a registered Charity in the Republic of Ireland
Registered Charity Number: 20017132 CHY 7599
Trustees: Sr Marie Pitcher, Sr Rosemary Barter, Sr Margaret Walsh
The Sisters of the Infant Jesus (Nicolas Barré) General Trust
is a registered Charity in England and Wales
Registered Charity Number: 272581
Trustees: Sr Marie Pitcher, Sr Rosemary Barter, Sr Margaret Walsh
Province Administration,
56 St Lawrence Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3, D03 Y5F2, Ireland
Email: provincial @ijsprov.ie
To read about some of the Projects the Infant Jesus Sisters in England and Ireland work with, please click on the following links:
Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre, London: www.wormwoodscrubsponycentre.org.uk
St Chad’s Sanctuary, Birmingham: www.stchadssanctuary.com
Brushstrokes in Sandwell: www.brushstrokessandwell.org.uk
Hope Community Project, Wolverhampton: www.hopecommunityproject.org.uk
APT Act to Prevent Trafficking, Ireland: www.aptireland.org

The need for more English speaking sisters in Singapore and Malaysia led to the arrival of the Sisters of the Infant Jesus in England in 1892. Small beginnings led to the foundation of St Maur’s Convent in Weybridge, Surrey, the site now being the home of St George’s College Junior School. Through various contacts, the Sisters responded to the call to go to Ireland and in 1909 founded Drishane Convent in Millstreet, Co Cork. As well as establishing a boarding school there, they also set up a saw mill, a brush factory, a knitting factory and a farm! This witnessed to the creativity and daring so characteristic of the Sisters in response to the needs of the time and the mission. This foundation became a great source of vocations especially for the mission in Asia (Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Thailand), California, Cameoon and Nigeria. No other house was founded in Ireland for many years.
Today the Sisters live and are involved in Ministry in Ireland: Cork, Mallow, Millstreet, Tralee, Ballymun, Portmarnock and Dublin. In England: Birmingham, Horsham, London and Wolverhampton.
In collaboration with others, Ministries include voluntary teaching, working with refugees and asylum seekers, visiting and supporting the ‘Travelling Community’, running a Pony Centre for Special Needs' Children, bereavement counselling, awareness raising in the field of ecology and care of the earth, catechetical formation of children and adults, pastoral leadership in parishes and many activities in the promotion of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation.