Born in Rouen (France) in 1662 to educate children from poor families, the Infant Jesus Sisters have continued for more than 350 years and in 18 countries to respond to the call to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Our founder, Father Nicolas Barré, was beatified in Rome on 7th March 1999 by Pope John-Paul II. His feast day is 31st October. To obtain his canonisation, kindly let us know what graces you may have obtained through his intercession. At the same time, please send us your name, postal address and email address to : nbarrepost@gmail.com. If necessary, we will contact you again.
Novena to Blessed Nicolas Barré to obtain a grace: click here.

As we are Infant Jesus Sisters, our cross has the symbolic shape of a star: it evokes the star of Bethlehem leading to Jesus, our God made man and even a little child. This cross is not a crucifix: it expresses our faith in the risen Christ, present and alive today by his Spirit in our humanity.
We can also see arms wide open in welcome, or the evocation of the crib. A rich symbol that speaks louder than any explanation